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I.E. Alfonso López Coexistence Project

I.E. Alfonso López, from the rural area, has promoted coexistence projects, encouraging students and their families to practice values and positive habits inside and outside the classroom. With the commitment and leadership of its teachers and its rector, it participated with the Pedagogical Project to Promote Coexistence, Values, Conflict Resolution and Peace among Students and Parents in the Departmental Educational Forum “Significant learning for life as a guiding principle of educational work”. This establishment has been the first in Ayapel to participate in an event of this level; in addition, its project was selected to be presented at the National Educational Forum 2020. Participation in this forum is a great achievement for the institution: it makes its work visible and promotes the generation of new projects for education in rural areas and the construction of peace in the territory.


Back to school

The reunion with the teachers of the municipality of Ayapel is always a reason for us to celebrate. Meeting such special human beings who are

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New challenges

The new year welcomes us with the opportunity to accompany more children in the municipality. A new and charming group of participants joins the experience

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