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A redefined Institutional Educational Project

The transforming power of an Institutional Educational Project (PEI) built from the collective is incredible. When this PEI is put into practice, it is energizing all the strength of a common thought, of wills that are aligned for the sake of the collective welfare. The PEI redefined in the light of life skills and character strengths becomes the roadmap that favors a rural educational establishment to become a center of development in which the human qualities of the educational community and the potential of the territory are enhanced. We would like to thank Centro Educativo San Jerónimo, Institución Educativa El Cedro and Institución Educativa Alfonso López for allowing us to accompany them in this wonderful adventure in which we will be able to see how little by little the territories flourish thanks to the joint efforts of the teachers and their directors.


Back to school

The reunion with the teachers of the municipality of Ayapel is always a reason for us to celebrate. Meeting such special human beings who are

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New challenges

The new year welcomes us with the opportunity to accompany more children in the municipality. A new and charming group of participants joins the experience

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